Privacy policy - Dolcerie Veneziane
Privacy policy

The reason of this notice
In in this page are described the formalities of management of the site in reference to the treatment of the personal data of the users that consult it. it deals with an informative (senses of the art. 13 of EU Regulation no. 2016/679, code regarding the protection of personal data) to those people that interact with the web services of Dolcerie Veneziane s.r.l, accessible trough the address:

The holder of the treatment is Dolcerie Veneziane s.r.l ref. to art.13 of the code in subject of protection of personal data.the subjects to which refer the personal data have the right in whatever moment to get the confirmation of the existence or less of the data, to know the content and the origin, to verify its exactness or to ask the integration, the updating or the rectification of it, to ask its cancellation, the transformation anonymously or the block of the data treated in violation of law, as well as to oppose in every case, for legitimate reasons,to their treatment. the applications in matter must turn to the holder of the treatment.

The holder of their treatment is: Dolcerie Veneziane s.r.l
Dolcerie Veneziane s.r.l

Data voluntarily furnished by the users
the optional sending, explicit or voluntary of mail to the address indicated on this site, involves the following acquisition of the address of he sender , necessary to answer to the applications, as well as of the possible other personal data inserted in the message. informative specification of synthesis is brought in the page of this site predisposed for the application of information.

Use of the treatment
The personal data are treated with authorized instruments for the time tightly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they have been collected. specific safety measures are observed for preventing the loss of the data, illegitimate uses or not correct, and no authorized accesses.

Dolcerie Veneziane s.r.l © 2024 - TVA -UL 02106560275 - Net intreprinderilor Venezia: 02106560275 REA 289924 - Capital social € 51.000,00 i.v.
Sediul social: Piazza Ferretto 55/A, 30174 Mestre (VE) - Italy
Sediul de productie: Via San Michele 71, 31032 Casale sul Sile (TV) - Tel. +39 0422 822737 - Fax. +39 0422 821506 -